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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023 - Page 8

Path of kindness from Seoul to Kahrizak

According to a report by our Iran Daily correspondent, a ceremony was held at the Kahrizak Charity Foundation, with the presence of the South Korean ambassador to Iran, members of the board of directors, beneficiaries of the center, and a group of philanthropists.
After visiting the rehabilitation workshops and disabled residential facilities at Kahrizak and presenting flowers by the children of the center’s staff at the grave of Dr. Mohammadreza Hekmatzadeh, the founder of Kahrizak Charity Foundation, the ceremony commenced.
During the event, following the hoisting of the flags of both countries by two disabled individuals from the center, a significant donation was made by the government to support humanitarian efforts at the center. The donated Iranian-made items, valued at approximately half a million dollars, included regular and electric wheelchairs, electroshock devices, dental kits, laboratory equipment, televisions, and refrigerators.
In an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, Ambassador Yun Kang Hyun explained the humanitarian gesture, stating, “I did not expect such a warm reception at the center today. The embassy’s assistance was much smaller than this ceremony.”
Yun Kang Hyun emphasized that South Korea will strive to share its knowledge and products with other countries, acknowledging the cultural similarities between Iran and Korea. He highlighted the charitable institutions in both Seoul and Tehran, expressing the Korean government’s encouragement for public participation in charitable activities.
Regarding the Iranian people, the ambassador praised their kindness and hospitality, noting that during his time in Iran, he witnessed nothing but warmth and hospitality from the Iranian people. He acknowledged the high level of education and culture among Iranians, stating, “Even the average Iranian can recite verses from the works of the most famous Iranian poets, demonstrating the intellectual and cultural capabilities of Iranians.”
The South Korean ambassador also mentioned the assistance provided by the South Korean Embassy during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the donation of masks and vaccines to a hospital and aid to earthquake-stricken areas. He emphasized that his presence at Kahrizak signifies South Korea’s commitment to continuing these benevolent initiatives and that sustaining such assistance remains a priority in his country’s agenda.

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