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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023 - Page 7

Iran’s defense industry witnesses 31% surge in production

Iran’s defense industry production has surged by 31% during the past nine months compared to last year, the spokesperson for Iran’s Defense Ministry said.
Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Brigadier General Reza Talaee Nik provided insights into the ministry’s activities over the past nine months, stating that over 1,000 research projects, as well as emerging research and enhancement of defense technology capabilities are underway.
The spokesman highlighted monthly unveilings of several developments in various fields, adding, however, that only a portion of them is covered by the media, Tasnim news agency reported.
He noted that dozens of core technologies and hundreds of subsystem technologies are involved in acquiring innovative defense capabilities for the ministry.

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