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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine - 27 December 2023 - Page 7

Israel will see its retribution, Raisi warns after IRGC adviser’s assassination

Resistance vows tough response

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the Israel will definitely pay the price for its criminal act of killing a senior military adviser of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in Syria.
In a message on Monday, Raisi said the vicious act of assassinating the IRGC military adviser in a missile attack in Syria was yet another sign of the usurping Zionist regime’s desperation, Press TV reported.
Seyyed Razi Mousavi, who was serving as a military adviser in Syria, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Sayyeda Zeinab neighborhood of the Syrian capital of Damascus earlier on Monday.
He added that the brave military adviser, who was one of the companions of Iran’s top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, was killed while “safeguarding lofty Islamic values.”
Iran maintains an advisory mission in Syria at the request of Damascus, with the aim of helping the war-torn Arab country get rid of the foreign-backed militants who have been fighting the democratically-elected Syrian government since 2011.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani strongly condemned the Israeli regime’s terrorist measure to assassinate the IRGC adviser in Damascus.
He said the vicious and cowardly act was another indication of the terrorist nature of the Israeli regime.
The spokesman emphasized that Iran reserves the right to adopt necessary strategies and give a response to the move in due time and place.
Addressing an open session of Parliament in Tehran, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf also blasted the US and the West for the support they extended to Israel, stressing that nothing can rescue the Zionists from the quagmire they have been stuck in.
“Continuation of this inhumane behavior will lead to a major scandal across the world and will defame them even in the eyes of their own people,” the speaker added.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also expressed his condolences to Mousavi’s family as well as the Iranian and Syrian nations on the occasion of his martyrdom.
In a post on X social media platform, Iran’s top diplomat said, “This honorable martyr fought bravely against terrorists for many years alongside Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani to ensure security of Iran and the region.”
“Tel Aviv must await a hard countdown,” he added.
Tough response
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movements have strongly condemned Israel’s move, vowing tough response.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad said the occupying regime should await a decisive response to its cowardly act.
In a statement released on Tuesday, Islamic Jihad said the IRGC commander played a pivotal role in supporting regional resistance forces as well as the Palestinian nation, resistance and cause.
“We reiterate that the crimes of the occupying Zionist regime and its encroachment on regional stability and security will lead to its defeat at the hands of resistance forces.”
Lebanon’s Hezbollah also condemned in the strongest terms the regime’s assassination of the senior military adviser, describing it as a blatant violation.
“We consider the assassination of Brigadier General Seyyed Razi Mousavi in Syria to be a flagrant and shameless violation, which is off limits,” Hezbollah said in a statement on

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