Muttaqi: Kabul paving ground for return of Afghan migrants

Afghanistan’s Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said that Kabul is trying to pave the ground for the return of Afghan migrants to their homeland as soon as possible.
In an interview with IRNA, Muttaqi referred to measures taken by the Afghan government for the safe return of migrants. He said that Kabul is trying to improve the economic and living conditions in the country.
He said that Afghanistan has been in war with the Soviet Union, the United States and NATO for 45 years, which caused the migration of Afghan people from the country. Now, the country is trying to pave the ground for their return to the country.
The Afghan official also thanked the countries that have hosted Afghan immigrants and called on Afghans to return to their homeland gradually.
After Taliban’s takeover of Kabul in 2021, millions of Afghans left their country for a better life in other countries.
Pakistan and Iran have been the main destinations of Afghan migrants.
In recent months, both countries have repatriated hundreds of thousands of illegal Afghan refugees to their country.

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