Navy takes delivery of homegrown cruise missiles, choppers

The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy has taken delivery of a range of domestically-designed and manufactured military equipment, including strategic cruise missile systems and helicopters furnished with electronic warfare systems.
The new weapons were supplied to the naval forces during a ceremony attended by Chief Commander of the Iranian Army Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani and other senior military figures in Iran’s southeastern port city of Konarak on Sunday, Press TV reported.
The arrivals included the Talayieh strategic cruise missile system, Nasir cruise missile system, helicopters with first-ever homegrown electronic warfare systems, and light military helicopters for reconnaissance purposes.
Surface-to-surface missile systems with eight launchers, Sanjar smart loitering and suicide drone mounted on Jamaran destroyer, a multipurpose drone system used for electronic warfare and surveillance operations, a diver detection system, and Sirvan tugboat to be used in ports and anchorages were also among them.
Speaking at the event, Irani described Talayieh as a smart cruise missile with a range of over 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) that can change course during flight and choose a new target before striking and destroying it.
Nasir cruise missile, with a range of more than 100 kilometers, offers a high destructive force against enemy targets, and can be mounted on rocket launching vessels of different classes, the commander stated.
The Iranian Navy’s new helicopters have been furnished with a range of electronic warfare systems, which can deceive various missiles.
Moreover, the naval force’s reconnaissance copters have Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) systems fitted in. The systems allow the aircraft to undertake both naval combat and civilian maritime missions.

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