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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Eight - 12 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Eight - 12 December 2023 - Page 3

IRGC Ground Force stages security drill in western Iran

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force staged a large-scale combined and specialized drill in a border region in Iran’s western province of Kermanshah, as part of preparations to confront potential security threats against the country.
The drill was held by the Najaf Ashraf Base of the IRGC Ground Force in Qasr-e Shirin County on Monday and involved various units, Press TV reported.
The forces partaking in the exercise employed the latest tactics to evaluate their preparedness in the face of latent security threats, and sinister plots being devised by anti-Iran terrorist outfits.
During the day-long drill, special training in electronic warfare was put into practice and homegrown radar and communications systems were tested. Multiple reconnaissance and stealth operations were carried out as well.
Additionally, designated targets as well as command centers of hypothetical enemies were struck and destroyed, using sophisticated indigenous weapons.
Several heliborne operations were conducted, during which airborne, artillery and armored divisions of the IRGC carried out their assigned tasks.
According to IRGC Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, the large-scale drill was aimed at improving the IRGC Ground Force’s operational preparedness and combat readiness against intricate security threats and terrorist scenarios.
“The [West Asia] region and the whole world are always prone to colonial, domineering and totalitarian policies. The emergence and spread of terrorist and subversive groups are inevitably one of the upshots of such attitudes. Therefore, the preparedness of security forces in the face of such threats remains an absolute and undeniable necessity,” he stated.

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