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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Six - 10 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Six - 10 December 2023 - Page 2

Tehran, Damascus to expand all-out trade ties

Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber underscored the “strategic and amicable” relations between the Islamic Republic and Syria.
The Iranian official said Tehran is determined to expand economic cooperation with Damascus, Press TV reported.
“The Iranian government and nation attach profound significance to Syria, and consider the nation’s stability, independence, welfare and prosperity among their priorities,” Mokhber said in a meeting with visiting Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous in Tehran on Saturday.
The senior Iranian official also mentioned the ongoing Israeli military onslaught on the Gaza Strip. Mokhber said the international community is witnessing circumstances that have no precedent in history.
Mokhber said Washington and the Tel Aviv regime failed miserably to attain any of their set objectives in Gaza, emphasizing that the Axis of Resistance has grown to be strong and powerful, and rendered enemies unable to confront it.
“Just like Daesh terrorist group, which could not achieve its goals in Syria due to the heroic resistance of the country’s government and nation, the Zionist regime will not be able to dominate the region because of the strong steadfastness of the people of Gaza.”
He expressed hope that enemies as well as their military forces and proxies would pull out of West Asia completely.
For his part, Arnous said the Syrian government and nation will never forget Iran’s unconditional support and honorable positions vis-à-vis Syria.
“Iran and Syria have always come under pressure from global arrogance, the United States and certain Western states because they have been safeguarding their independence. Western countries have been putting pressure on Syria as it is one of the main pillars of the Axis of Resistance.”
“Nonetheless I give you assurances that Syria will not alter its stance and will continue to tread the path of resistance,” the Syrian prime minister said.
Turning to the relentless Israeli air and ground strikes on Gaza, Arnous described the scale of the regime’s aggression as “bizarre and out of the ordinary.”
“It is eccentric that such atrocities are taking place just before the world public opinion. It seems as if some parties are willing to wipe Gaza off the world map. We hope the Axis of Resistance would foil all these conspiracies.”
Inking several MoUs
Later on Saturday, Iran and Syria signed six cooperation agreements, including a deal on free trade and memoranda of understanding pertaining to tourism, media, sports, museums and libraries.
The two sides also agreed to launch shipping routes and promote transportation between Tehran and Damascus.

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