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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Three - 25 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Three - 25 November 2023 - Page 7

Tehran raps European Parliament’s anti-Iran resolution

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman vehemently condemned the “interventionist” resolution that the European Parliament (EP) recently passed about what they called the situation of human rights in the country.
Nasser Kanaani, in a statement released on Friday, said the resolution approved by the legislative body of the European Union stems from the “destructive approach that several European currents have adopted vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Press TV reported.
“The European Parliament’s meddlesome resolution indicates the confusion of a number of European parties over the reality of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s might and anti-arrogance stances,” the senior Iranian diplomat said as he denounced the EP’s resolution.
On Thursday, the EP adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, condemning what it claimed were rights abuses against women in the country. The nonbinding resolution was adopted by 516 votes in favor, 4 against, and 27 abstentions.
Kanaani went on to criticize certain European countries for siding with terrorist groups over the past four decades against the Iranian nation, stating that their “theatrical measures and bogus humanitarian slogans” will never erase their “dark records” of sponsoring anti-Iranian criminals.
“Whilst the public opinion across the world, including European countries, is distressed, traumatized, and infuriated by continuation of the most inhumane crimes in Gaza, which are being committed by the apartheid and child-killing Israeli regime, and asks the officials of their respective countries to stop the genocide and war crimes against the defenseless and oppressed people of Gaza by raising their voices in streets of various cities across that continent (Europe), the European Parliament that alleges to be the symbol of democracy, so-called human rights, and humanitarian values has turned a blind eye to the most unprecedented and barbaric collective punishment and vicious massacre of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian citizens, of whom 70 percent are women and children,” he said.
The spokesman emphasized that Europeans’ double standard would not go unnoticed by the world’s scholars and those whose consciences are awakened.

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