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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Two - 12 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Two - 12 November 2023 - Page 2

Lifting agricultural tariffs will increase exports: MP

By Sadeq Dehqan & Reza Abesh Ahmadlou
Staff writers
Head of the Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources and Environment Committee of the Iranian Parliament announced the removal of tax tariffs on agricultural products, adding that it will increase the export of the products.
Talking to Iran Daily, Mohammad-Javad Asgari called the removal of tariffs on the export of agricultural products a turning point in production and export of the agricultural sector, noting that with the removal of tariffs and increased monitoring of the production and export of agricultural products, the country would earn more foreign exchange and create good job opportunities.
“The issue of removing tariffs on agricultural products was included both in the sixth and seventh development plans of the country, and it was already announced that any imposition of tariffs on the export of agricultural products is prohibited.”
Some countries are interested in importing Iranian agricultural products due to their organic nature and compliance with the Carnes period in Iran, the lawmaker said.
Carnes period is called the shelf life of poisons. This period starts as soon as the poison spraying is finished and continues until the time of decomposition of the chemical substances.
He assessed the country’s agricultural products export condition as suitable, saying that to have stable export income, we should diversify the export of agricultural products along with establishing commercial cooperation with more countries.
The export of agricultural products in the first six months of the current Iranian year (1402) hit 2.618 million tons, worth $1.567 billion, which has decreased by 4,000 tons in terms of weight compared to the same period last year, but had an increase of $22 million in terms of value.
According to statistics by the Trade Promotion Organization, the agricultural sector made up six percent of the total non-oil exports of the country.
Referring to the imposed sanctions on Iran, he stated that the sanctions do not include agricultural products, so it is possible to help increase forex income for the country by focusing on exports in the agricultural sector.
“We can reduce the effects of sanctions on the country’s economy through production and export,” Asgari said, noting that sustainable exports depend on providing high-quality, healthy, standard products with appropriate packaging.
To support production and export of agricultural products, high tariffs should be imposed on the imports of products, the MP noted, adding that agriculture is the largest private sector in the country, employing four million people.
Considering that there is a population of over 500 million in the region, who are interested in receiving Iranian agricultural products, it is necessary to remove the problems and legal obstacles of exports in order to pave the ground for the growth of exports to neighboring countries.
In order to increase exports, burdensome regulations should be removed from the process of exporting agricultural products so that exporters do not have to worry about these issues, the MP said, noting that, on the other hand, incentives for the export of agricultural products should be introduced so that the exporter is more encouraged to export.
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