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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Seven - 06 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Seven - 06 November 2023 - Page 8

Israel looks up to Hitler as leadership role model

By Syed Ali
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan
The Israeli advance in Gaza continues, with the military conducting attacks on innocent Palestinians from multiple directions. However, the well-equipped Israeli army is encountering significant resistance. It remains uncertain whether these actions are part of a reconnaissance effort or if Israel intends to pursue a gradual escalation in its ground offensive over time. But, the primary goal of the Israeli army, apparently, is to genocide the Palestinian people.
Occupying Israel has introduced new regulations designed to shield its soldiers from war crimes prosecutions, which have been implemented promptly. These include permission for the soldiers to use force against any Palestinian obstructing their military operations.
Consider the implications; when the Israeli army operates with a legal license for these actions, it becomes easier to justify actions under the pretext of Palestinians obstructing military operations. The regime has put Hitler as its model in leadership who disregarded the lives of ordinary citizens.
The Israeli army’s ground attacks reflect its evolving strategy. Israeli politicians and soldiers have openly expressed their intentions to change Gaza drastically. They aim to create conditions suitable for the eviction of Palestinians and the settlement of Jewish communities.
On the one hand, Palestinians have been deliberately deprived of all the necessities of life, including food, water, and medical facilities. For the past month, they have also been subjected to indiscriminate bombings from the air, resulting in death and injury. These actions aim to force Palestinians to vacate their homes in northern Gaza and relocate to the south. Israel’s clear objective is to occupy northern Gaza, establishing a military zone to permanently displace the Palestinian population living there.
One of the disturbing aspects of these events is the level of international support. The US and European countries are standing firmly behind Israel with the United States providing weapons.
Hamas, the military wing of which is not associated with any state, made it a challenging adversary for Israeli soldiers.
And in addition to international support, as we examine the positions of Muslim governments in this conflict, we often observe indifference and silence from many. Iran and Yemen are politically supporting Hamas, with Qatar providing diplomatic and communication assistance. Turkey’s response to the Israeli aggression was delayed, while the silence of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE has emboldened Israel. Nonetheless, Israeli diplomats in Dubai and Manama continue their work.


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