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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023 - Page 7

International lawyers to take legal action against Israeli crimes

A network of international lawyers was established to legally pursue the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the wake of a meeting held by the Central Headquarters of Legal Support for Palestine.
The meeting, which took place on Sunday, October 29, was organized by the International Law Association of the Basij Lawyers Organization and aimed at exploring legal assistance solutions for the Palestinian people, Tasnim News Agency reported.
During his speech at the meeting, Hassan Abdolianpour, the head of the Center for Lawyers, Official Experts, and Family Advisors of the Judiciary, expressed the concerns of lawyers from Islamic countries regarding the underutilization of their legal capabilities in addressing the Palestine issue. He mentioned that the Judiciary Lawyers Center, in collaboration with the Basij of Lawyers Organization, has been actively engaged in this matter for many years, yielding positive outcomes.
Abdolianpour further stated that a network of jurists and lawyers, who are deeply concerned about the oppressed people of Palestine and eager to take action, has been formed.
“This network, consisting of more than 40 lawyers specializing in international law, marks a promising beginning and is expected to lead to significant legal advancements,” he said.
In addition, the legal practitioner highlighted that during the meeting at the Human Rights Headquarters, the committee of virtual courts was entrusted to the Center of Lawyers of the Judiciary. He emphasized that the symbolic court held on the last Quds Day received 12 complaints against the crimes of the Zionist regime, resulting in the formation of a people’s court based on those complaints.
“The symbolic court, which has garnered media attention, has played a crucial role in documenting the crimes committed by the Zionist regime,” he said.
In other news, the head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society condemned the direct targeting of medical staff and aid workers by the Israeli forces following the attacks on Gaza.
“Such actions are deemed illegal, inhumane, and warrant prosecution. In light of this, a draft complaint has been prepared at The Hague Court, in collaboration with other countries and national societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, through the utilization of the capacity of the National Committee for Humanitarian Rights. The purpose of this complaint is to denounce the targeting of rescuers and medical staff,” said Pirhossein Kolivand, according to ISNA.

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