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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty One - 30 October 2023 - Page 7

Religious leader of Iranian Jews:

Occupation of Al-Quds not a Jewish teaching

Due to the teachings and the belief system of Judaism, all Jews have a special interest in the land of Al-Quds because it is their sacred land, stated Rabbi Younes Hamami Lalehzar, the religious leader of Iranian Jews. “However, it is not mentioned in any of the teachings of Moses that it should be taken by force,” he said, according to IRNA.

Hamami Lalehzar discussed the recently published teachings of the Jewish religion in cyberspace. He stated, “Jewish teachings are derived from the Torah, which is also translated into Farsi. However, many of the materials published online regarding the teachings of Judaism are fakes without any source.”
He went on to mention that according to the Talmud, “One of the Jewish beliefs is that salvation does not solely depend on the Jewish faith and that pious people from other nations will be saved in the next world.”
The Rabbi mentioned another Jewish belief, saying, “Even when the Promised Savior appears, it is not necessary for all people in the world to be Jews. During that era, Jews would be free to practice their religion, and all people of the world would be united, with monotheism prevailing. This is quoted by the Prophet Zechariah, and Judaism considers the right to life for other nations based on this belief.”
Hamami Lalehzar also discussed the historical sources of the Jewish religion. According to him, Jews had formed a country and a government during eras like that of Prophet David or Prophet Solomon.
“Especially the period of Prophet Solomon was characterized by peace and tranquility in the region. Although many people in the surrounding countries were idolaters at that time, the Jews did not consider it their duty to destroy the idolaters. The belief of the Jews is based on the idea that all people, while respecting the rights of Jews, should peacefully coexist and strive for godliness, not necessarily Judaism.”
The religious figure further emphasized that many of the things expressed online are misleading, and stated, “Similar to the time of Daesh, where some Muslim people were attacked, this diversion aims to give the struggle a religious aspect and create divisions among Muslims. In the case of Jews and Zionists, they aim to create differences between Islam and Jews, while Jews and Muslims have lived together peacefully and supported each other in many parts of the world, including Iran.”
Referring to religious and political Zionist divisions, the religious leader of the Iranian Jewish population said, “The concept of Zionism means being interested in Zion. Every Jew has a special interest in Al-Quds because it is our sacred land, and we pray in that direction. Many of the tombs of our prophets are located there, and according to our beliefs, it is considered a holy land. However, this does not mean that it should be taken by force. Jews believe that this divine promise will be fulfilled during the time of the Promised Savior. However, one of the aspects of the Savior is justice and fairness, which will be established at that time.”
Referring to the characteristics of the Savior in the Jewish religion, he said, “One of the principles of Judaism is the belief in the Promised Savior, which complements the principle of faith in God. Just as no wise person does anything without a specific goal and purpose, God has created this world with a specific purpose that will ultimately be accomplished through the Promised Savior.”
Hamami Lalehzar added, “According to Jewish belief, the Promised Savior is a descendant of prophets David and Solomon, who held positions of prophethood and formed a government. The Promised Savior will establish a divine government and invite all people to worship God. At that time, peace, tranquility, justice, and fairness will be established worldwide, bringing goodness and blessings for everyone.”

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