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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty - 29 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty - 29 October 2023 - Page 8

News in Brief

Ancient inscription with Persian found in Sri Lanka

Mehr  – A trilingual inscription in Persian, Chinese, and Tamil, believed to date back to around a century ago, was discovered in Sri Lanka. The inscription, which was prepared in China in 1409, offers a unique glimpse into historical connections in the region.
According to information obtained from Morteza Rezvanfar, an academic staff member of the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism, the inscription was identified in Sri Lanka in 1911. It was commissioned by a Chinese Muslim commodore named Zheng He and was installed in a Buddhist temple.
Zheng He, a prominent figure in Chinese history, is known for his vast fleet of 217 ships and 28,000 sailors. He made four voyages to the Persian Gulf and has left a historical imprint on Iranian records. His expeditions were monumental. He even visited the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz.
Highlighting the cultural and historical significance of this inscription for both Sri Lanka and China, Rezvanfar noted that several Persian words from the inscription were deciphered nearly 90 years ago by Gholam Yazdani, an archaeology director at the University of Hyderabad in India.

Over 1,800 int'l entries to compete in Cinéma Vérité

IRNA – The 17th Iran International Documentary Film Festival, also known as Cinéma Vérité, received a total of 1,839 works from 113 different countries for the International Section.
This year’s International Section showcases a diverse array of documentary works, with 70 percent of the submissions falling under the short documentary category. The remaining entries are divided into long documentaries, at 22.6 percent, and medium-length documentaries, at 6.8 percent.
A total of811 female directors and 1,028 male directors have submitted films for consideration in this film competition.  The variety of voices and perspectives reflects the festival’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity in the realm of documentary filmmaking. The 17th edition of the event will be held under the auspice of Mohammad Hamidi-Moqaddam.  It provides a platform for filmmakers to share their unique stories and visions, promoting the art of documentary filmmaking on the global stage.


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