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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty - 29 October 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty - 29 October 2023 - Page 8

Envoy: Tunisians admire Iran as land of ’rich civilization, culture’

Hadi Ajili, Iran’s cultural attaché in Tunisia, emphasized the enduring historical significance of Iran in the minds of the Tunisian elite and the potential for enhanced cultural relations and cooperation between the two nations.
In an interview with IRNA, Ajili discussed the diverse perceptions of Iran within Tunisian society, particularly among academics and artists.
He stated that Tunisian elites, primarily university professors specializing in Islamic civilization and history, have a solid knowledge of Iran’s culture and history. These individuals recognize Iran’s historical contributions to civilization and maintain a positive view of the country.
Ajili also highlighted that in the Tunisian perspective, there is no historical differentiation when considering Iran; the country is perceived as a unified entity from ancient times to the present. For instance, when Tunisians reference the greatness of Iranian civilization, they do not attribute it to a specific historical period, but rather consider it part of the broader Persian culture.
Regarding the promotion of the Persian language, Ajili explained that, in the past, Persian language classes were presented by the Iranian Embassy in Tunisia. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these classes were temporarily suspended. Nevertheless, efforts are underway to revive these language classes, with the involvement of proficient instructors from Iran and Tunisia.
When it comes to fostering tourism between the two nations, Ajili described ongoing initiatives, including collaboration with Tunisian travel agencies.
He mentioned that 23 Tunisian tourists were recently sent to Iran, and the Iran Cultural Center provides information and resources to these agencies to facilitate tourist travel. Moreover, cultural influencers in Tunisia have been invited to visit Iran and promote the country through social media and other platforms.
In the field of cinema, Ajili noted that Iranian films have been screened in Tunisian theaters, and Iran has been a special guest at the Tunisian short film festival. Additionally, the Iran Cultural Center has facilitated the exchange of Tunisian and Iranian artists, fostering collaboration in the field of cinema. Tunisians have expressed admiration for Iranian cinema, recognizing its global significance.
Looking ahead, the Iran Cultural Center aims to continue promoting Iranian cinema and explore opportunities for the further development of cultural exchanges between Iran and Tunisia.


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