News in Brief

China saw moderate third-quarter growth

AFP – China’s economy is expected to have seen moderate growth in the third quarter, according to an AFP survey.
Analysts polled by AFP saw an average 4.3 percent on-year growth in gross domestic product in July-September.
Beijing has set a goal of around five percent growth for 2023 as experts say China is on track to reach its modest goal for the year, with AFP’s survey of analysts forecasting annual growth of 4.92

World Food Day marked in Tehran

FAO – The Food and Drug Administration of Iran organized a ceremony in Tehran on Monday to mark the globally important occasion of World Food Day 2023 with a theme of “Water is life, water is food. Leave no one behind”.
Head of the Food and Drug Administration of Iran delivered a speech in the conference and the message of the representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Iran was delivered in the event.

Bitcoin jumps as much as 10%

REUTERS – Bitcoin jumped as much as 10% on Monday, putting it on track for its best day since August.
It was last trading up 3.8% at $28,232. There are hopes that a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) could get approved in the coming months, sparking bullish hopes.
The jump seemed to be a continuation of reaction to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) decision to not appeal to a recent Grayscale ruling.


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