Iran’s annual petrochemical output to stand at 78m tons: NPC

Iran’s petrochemical production will reach around 78 million tons by the end of the current Iranian year (March 19, 2024), said the National Petrochemical Company (NPC) managing director on Sunday.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Congress of Safety Process in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries, Morteza Shahmirzaei added the output targeted for the first six months of the Iranian year (March 21-September 22, 2023) materialized as more than 35 million tons of petrochemicals were produced during the period.
The company has given priority to supplying domestic industries with feedstock, the official mentioned.
The NPC had earlier set the annual petrochemical production target of Iran for the current year at 80 million tons. Completion of the value chain is on the agenda of the Oil Ministry, underlined Shahmirzaei, adding, “We are determined to produce all types of petrochemicals.”
He stressed the need for installing process system management (PSM) systems in all petrochemical complexes.
Iranian petrochemical plants (70 complexes) produced nearly 70 million tons of various products in the past Iranian year.

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