Central Asian states to ink agreement on corridor from China to EU via Iran

Central Asian countries are working on signing an agreement on the creation of a new transport and transit corridor from China to the EU through Iranian territory, the press service of the Uzbek Transport Ministry said in a statement.
Negotiations between the representatives of transport and railway agencies of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey have been held via videoconference at an initiative taken by Uzbekistan, the ministry said.
The statement added that important issues related to the signing of an agreement on the creation of an international transport corridor ‘China-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe’ were discussed at the meeting, TASS reported.
The participants of the meeting subscribed to the view that the creation of a new international transport corridor meets the interests of all its parties, and it will provide them with new possibilities for expanding transit traffic and trade ties between the countries, the press service added.
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