Iran’s economy minister, IsDB chief weigh cooperation plans

Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Ehsan Khandouzi met with the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Muhammad Sulaiman Al Jasser in Morocco to discuss the latest status of joint projects with Iran.
The meeting was a continuation of the intensive talks of the past two years between Iran and the Islamic Development Bank aimed at promoting the joint programs of the two parties, IRNA reported.
During the meeting, the latest state of the projects being implemented by the IsDB in Iran was discussed.
The IsDB president thanked and appreciated the initiatives taken by Iran’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance in the past two years to solve the outstanding debts of Iran from previous years.
Al Jasser stated that despite the remaining issues related to sanctions, the cooperation between the two parties has changed significantly given the drastic change in the Iranian government’s approach to strengthening its relationship with the bank as one of its most important shareholders.
He expressed hope that with the continuation of this trend, the remaining issues between the two parties will also be resolved.
In the meeting, Iran’s plans for implementing previous joint projects and cooperating in new fields of health, technology, and science were presented to the officials of the Islamic Development Bank and were welcomed by the bank president.

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