Six artificial islands to be built in Mazandaran


Deputy Governor of Mazandaran province has announced plans to construct six artificial islands as part of the province’s comprehensive development initiatives. These islands, which will be built off the coast, are set to accelerate the region’s construction projects and contribute to the balanced growth of various sectors.
Ahmad Tavakoli highlighted the government’s commitment to supporting the development of the province. He emphasized that the construction projects in Mazandaran have gained momentum under Raisi administration, with a focus on achieving balanced and comprehensive growth across all sectors, IRNA reported. One of the noteworthy projects approved by the government is the construction of the Chalus-Tonekabon-Ramsar freeway. Spanning 90 kilometers, this freeway is expected to enhance transportation infrastructure while taking into consideration environmental concerns. Additionally, the construction of six artificial islands stands out as another significant undertaking that will further help Mazandaran’s development.
The construction of artificial islands is a well-known phenomenon globally, with countries like the United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands leading the way. These man-made islands have proven to be successful in promoting tourism, creating new real estate opportunities, and expanding economic activities.

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