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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety - 20 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety - 20 September 2023 - Page 8

’Go Russia’ expo, opportunity to display Iran’s handicrafts

The upcoming international exhibition of exports to Russia (IRRUX) presents an excellent opportunity to showcase the handicrafts of Iran’s northwestern province of Zanjan, said Saeed Safavi, the head of Zanjan’s Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Department.
He argued that craftspeople can influence this international platform to display the country’s capabilities and properly introduce investment opportunities in the fields of tourism and handicrafts, IRNA reported.
He emphasized that approximately half of the 2,000 identified historical and cultural artifacts in Zanjan have received national and international recognition. He expressed hope that the exhibition would witness the participation of all economic actors, particularly those in the tourism sector, leading to increased understanding and decision-making regarding investment in Zanjan city and province. The exhibition, also known as ‘Go Russia’, is scheduled to take place from October 10 to 13 at the Zanjan International Exhibitions Center (Caspian), providing a platform for showcasing Iran’s cultural and economic offerings to the Russian market.


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