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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety - 20 September 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety - 20 September 2023 - Page 8

Cinema chief slams sanctions on cultural figures

Head of Iran’s Cinema Organization Mohammad Khazaei has strongly criticized Western countries for imposing sanctions on Iranian cultural figures, including Iran’s Culture Minister Mohammad Mehdi Esmaeili.
In an open letter addressed to Western leaders, Khazaei denounced these sanctions as an attack on Iranian culture and a futile attempt to undermine the country’s rich heritage and deep-rooted Islamic beliefs, reported.
The letter, made public by Iran’s Cinema Organization, highlights Khazaei’s concerns regarding the sanctions and their motivations.
He argued that colonial powers not only exert control through military means but also employ intellectual and cultural strategies to continue their influence. The sanctions, in this case, target influential figures and media outlets that support Iran’s cultural and religious values.
Khazaei specifically mentions efforts by the UK and the US to impose sanctions on figures like Esmaeili, framing it as a new form of cultural imperialism.
He noted that these powers aim to reproduce their soft power in society by silencing voices that advocate Iran’s unique civilization, which spans thousands of years and is deeply rooted in Islamic beliefs, the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt, and the culture of Ashura among others.
The Iranian official asserted that the enemies of Iran’s cultural and Islamic identity have launched an overt war on the country’s cultural and media landscape, with the ultimate goal of suppressing religious and intellectual thought.
Khazaei noted that liberal and humanistic ideologies will not tolerate the growth and prosperity of religious thinking.
In his letter, Khazaei argued that the ministry has effectively countered various forms of hybrid warfare, including virtual attacks and media campaigns, by promoting Iran’s cultural achievements and the resilience of its civilization.
Khazaei concluded by emphasizing that the unjust sanctions on Iran’s Minister of Culture only strengthen the determination of those working to bolster the country’s cultural and artistic scene.
He asserted that Iran’s cultural and artistic community will not be silenced by such measures, and the achievements of the modern Iranian civilization will continue to thrive and influence global discourse.


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