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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Three - 27 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Three - 27 August 2023 - Page 7

Raeisi calls for ...

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Raeisi further stated evaluations and comparisons should be made in order to see how well the country’s administrative system fares with these characteristics in mind.
He went on to describe the adaptation of the country’s administrative system for the purpose of fulfilling the goals of the Islamic Revolution as the duty for all officials, managers and employees, adding, “Such a transformation may face obstacles at first, because some are incapable of transformation and are satisfied with the existing state of offices and organizations.”
The president described bureaucracy as one of the problems of the country’s administrative system and the cause of complexity, entanglement and slowness of work, while emphasizing the need for specialized work in order to overcome these challenges.
Raeisi said that economic growth depends on increasing investment and productivity. “If these two pillars are not together, the economic growth target of eight percent cannot be realized; therefore, it is necessary for all institutions to seek to improve this important index.”
Referring to the formation of a task force in the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution to examine the causes of people’s dissatisfaction with organizations, the president said, “The review of the task force’s report shows that in many departments it is possible to remove the obstacles that lead to slowness of work and achieve the desired result.”
He also stated that the mere act of giving orders by managers does not mean the realization and implementation of the work, and emphasized, “Managers and officials of the executive bodies should not consider the matter as done until the objective and practical implementation of an order.”
Raeisi continued, “Although the intentions in making decisions and orders are good, the implementation and objective realization of the issues should also be followed up.”
Referring to the suspension of some plans and projects due to a lack of follow-up by the authorities, Raeisi clarified that while “some plans and projects have been suspended for several years, some contracts that should have run their course,” yet the implementation of those projects have taken as long as several administrative terms.
The president added, “All managers, ministers and heads of organizations should review the course of work and processes with the aim of increasing speed and accuracy.”

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