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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Three - 27 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Three - 27 August 2023 - Page 7

Disabled Iranian teen ranks top in university entrance exam

A young disabled teenager achieved an impressive 25th rank in this year’s national university entrance exam in humanities, despite his severe disability.
Despite being unable to move any of his body parts, Esmaiel Nasrollahi, an 18-year-old, dedicated 10 to 12 hours a day to studying and managed to achieve this remarkable success, Tasnim reported.
Although he has already earned numerous medals of honor in chess, he has now attained an even greater accomplishment by securing a top rank in humanities’ university entrance exam.
Esmaiel’s achievement is a testament to his dedication and perseverance as he spent long hours immersed in reading and studying throughout the day.
Speaking about her son’s accomplishments, Esmaiel’s mother shared that she always provided him with motivation and support, proudly referring to her son as an “elite.” Regarding Esmaiel’s physical condition, his mother explained that they observed abnormalities since he was nine months old when it became apparent that he couldn’t crawl on all fours. Doctors diagnosed him with a rare disease.
Describing her son’s study routine, she mentioned that Esmaiel studies while lying down since he is unable to turn pages. He devotes himself for approximately 10 to 12 hours each day.
The young man expressed his aspiration for higher education by stating his desire to pursue philosophy at Tehran University. He dreams of becoming a writer of philosophical stories.
Due to his physical challenges, he has requested authorities at Tehran University to provide non-attendance classes specifically tailored for his condition.


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