News in Brief

EV production on agenda

IRNA – Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji on Wednesday said his ministry and the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade are jointly following a plan to reduce air pollution.
Production of electric vehicles (EVs) for public transport fleet is among the projects the two ministries are pursuing, explained the top official, adding that the Oil Ministry will grant credit equal to saved fuel on the basis of the Persian Gulf free on board (FOB) price to those who make investments in this sector.
The plan gives first priority to taxis and pickup trucks, said the minister, adding the project will help reduce air pollution.

New envoy to OPEC appointed

SHANA – Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji appointed Afshin Javan as Iran’s representative to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Javan will serve as the director general of the department for OPEC affairs and relations with energy communities at the Iranian Oil Ministry.
Javan is also a member of the scientific board of the institute for International Energy Studies (IIES).

Iran signals oil ...

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Included in this increase is the beginning of production from Phase 11 of Iran’s South Pars Gas Field after decades of delays. The current output of Phase 11 stands at 11 million cubic mcm/d, although Iran plans to increase output to 56 mcm/d.
Iran’s increase in the production and export of energy comes as its relations with its Persian Gulf neighbors strengthen, with Iran and Saudi Arabia reopening embassies following a Chinese brokered deal between the two last March.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that recent warming of relations between the two would lead to a “wave of reconciliation” in the region.


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