Iran, Iraq collaborate to produce animation

In a joint effort to promote cultural exchange and creative collaboration, Iran and Iraq are working together to produce an animation film.
The project, spearheaded by Mehdi Ja’fari-Jozani, a seasoned producer and director in the fields of gaming and animation, marks a significant step towards enhancing digital entertainment industries in the region.
Born in 1981, Ja’fari-Jozani is an alumnus of the communications and media discipline. He currently serves as the CEO of Monadian, a cultural, artistic, and media company. Established in 2020, Monadian has been dedicated to the serious development of digital entertainment sectors, particularly game and animation production.
The overarching mission of Monadian revolves around revitalizing the animation economy, revitalizing the ecosystem of video games, and investing in animation and video game projects. The company has already achieved success with titles such as ‘Ambassador of Love,’ ‘Mokhtar: Uprising Season,’ and ‘Commander of Resistance: Amerli Battle.’
Notably, they are currently working on two upcoming games, ‘Sniper 2’ and ‘Epic of Nader,’ which are poised to hit the market in the near future.
This collaborative venture between Iran and Iraq not only showcases the potential for creative partnerships between neighboring nations but also highlights the growing importance of the digital entertainment industry in the region. As the global animation and gaming market continues to expand, this joint effort aims to capitalize on the talents of both countries, fostering cultural exchange and economic growth.
The animation film project is anticipated to resonate with audiences across borders, embodying themes of unity, creativity, and shared cultural heritage. Through their collaboration, Iran and Iraq are not only producing an animation film but also weaving a tapestry of cooperation that underscores the power of art to transcend boundaries and bring people together.

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