Armenian tourism delegation visits Iran, 10 fam tours organized

As part of an ongoing effort to promote cross-cultural engagement and international tourism, a delegation of Armenian tourism professionals embarked on a journey to Iran. The visit is accompanied by the organization of 10 familiarization tours aimed at introducing foreign delegates to Iran’s tourism attractions.
Leila Ajdari, Director General for Marketing and Development of Foreign Tourism at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Iran, highlighted the collaborative initiatives between the two countries. Since the beginning of the Iranian year, these endeavors have aimed to acquaint targeted nations with Iran’s diverse tourism destinations and offerings, IRNA wrote.
Ajdari confirmed that eight representatives from Armenian tour operators and travel agency managers have undertaken the familiarization tour to Iran.
She emphasized that these tours, known as “familiarization tours”, are currently in progress within Iran. In the current year, a total of 10 tours have been executed for diverse countries, including China, Qatar, Thailand, among others. These tours are orchestrated to provide foreign reference groups with an authentic and appealing depiction of Iran’s attractions.
Recognizing the efficacy of familiarization tours in attracting foreign tourists and countering misperceptions about Iran, Ajdari emphasized their pivotal role in the agendas of the Foreign Tourism Marketing and Development Office. The tours, which span across several days, have proven to be a potent strategy for showcasing Iran’s rich cultural, historical, sporting, and commercial potential to foreign delegates.
Ajdari noted that the presence of Armenian tourism representatives is especially significant, as Armenia has become a priority target market for Iranian tourism. This emphasis is underscored by recent negotiations between Fly Arna, an Armenian airline, and Iranian authorities to establish direct flights between the two countries. With these developments in mind, the familiarization tours for Armenian tourism professionals were planned by the Tourism Planning Department and are currently underway.
The five-day itinerary of the Armenian tourism delegation includes visits to various sites in Tehran Province. These sites encompass historical and cultural landmarks such as the Golestan Palace, Niavaran Cultural-Historical Complex, and Sa’dabad Complex, as well as recreational and sports facilities like Tochal Complex. The familiarity gained from these tours is anticipated to facilitate enhanced interactions between Armenian tourism professionals and their Iranian counterparts.
Ajdari concluded by affirming that the continuation of familiarization tours remains a crucial and impactful strategy to attract foreign tourists. The efforts of the Tourism Ministry signal Iran’s commitment to fostering mutual understanding and bolstering the tourism sector through constructive collaborations with neighboring nations.


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