Swiss firms eager to boost trade with Iranian counterparts

Switzerland’s ambassador to Iran said that Swiss companies are interested in promoting their trade and economic ties with Iranian peers.
Speaking in a meeting with Head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) Mehdi Zeyghami, Nadine Olivieri Lozano emphasized that Swiss firms want to stay in Iran and continue their trade activities despite sanctions, Tasnim News Agency reported.
She hailed the unsparing efforts of the organization in solving problems facing international companies in Iran including “Nestle” and called for further enhancement of trade ties with Iranian companies.
The envoy raised the problems of Swiss companies in Iran, including Nestlé, and asked for the assistance of the TPOI head in solving these problems.
“I am glad that the TPOI is doing its best to promote trade and reduce the problems of international companies.”
The TPOI plays a leading role in settling problems created for international companies based in Iran, Lozano reiterated.
The TPOI chief, for his part, pointed to the effective steps taken by his organization in solving trade problems facing international companies in Iran and said that problems regarding the allocation of exchange rates for this Swiss company in the provision of infant formula will be settled in the coming days.
Zeyghami went on to say that the TPOI, in cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), will follow up on the case in line with efforts to remove trade barriers facing international companies in Iran.


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