Iran’s point-to-point inflation eases 15%: CBI

The point-to-point inflation rate of Iran has decreased by about 15% since the beginning of the current Iranian year (March 21), announced Mohammad Reza Farzin, the governor of the Central bank of Iran on Wednesday.
Considering the necessity of reforming the financial structures of the country, the CBI has developed a road map which will implement step by step, said the CBI head, IRNA reported.
“Liquidity control and management, forexmarket management, regulation and strengthening of supervision and governance of the CBI on rial, forex and credit as well as regulation of financial relations between the government and the banking system are among the main goals of the roadmap,” Farzin added.
The average growth rate of liquidity in recent five years was equal to 33 percent while the annual growth of the dollar exchange rate in the unofficial market was 61% and inflation rate was 42%, the CBI governor said adding the growth rate of GDP was 1.2% during the said

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