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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Six - 07 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Six - 07 August 2023 - Page 4

Albania police seize control of terrorist MKO camp: Report

Albanian police have reportedly taken control of the camp that accommodates members of the anti-Iran terrorist cult Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) near the capital Tirana, imposing a strict curfew over the entire area.
The police in the southeastern European country do not allow either entry into or exit from the Ashraf-3 camp in the country’s western town of Manëz, Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday.
Earlier this week, Albania’s Special Court on Corruption and Organized Crime ordered state authorities to prevent MKO ringleader Maryam Rajavi from entering the country.
Informed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the verdict came after Albanian officials examined available pieces of evidence and concluded that the MKO was using the country to organize anti-Iran terrorist attacks.
Rajavi reportedly fled the Ashraf-3 camp to France after Albanian police forces raided the site on June 20 due to its engagement in “terror and cyberattacks” against foreign institutions. Authorities seized 150 computer devices linked to MKO’s terrorist activities. More than a week later, the police entered the camp again, deploying security forces at the entrance to the camp to control all vehicles leaving the

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