Iran’s four-month imports of basic goods top 7 m tons: IRICA

Iran imported over seven million tons of basic goods worth $4.763 billion during March 21–July 22 period, according to figures released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA).
The statistics also indicated that exports from Iran fell by eight percent in the four months to July 22 compared to the same period last year, IRNA reported.
IRICA figures showed that Iran’s exports reached a total of $15.906 billion in March–July, down 7.97% against the same period in 2022.
The figures also indicated that Iranian export shipments had risen by 28.56% in value terms year on year over the four months to late July to a total of $45.758 million tons.
Petroleum products accounted for a bulk of shipments exported from Iran in March–July, with liquefied petroleum gas sales generating $1.633 billion in revenues over the period, followed by liquefied propane at $1.14 billion and liquefied butane at $0.823 billion, revealed IRICA figures.
China remained the largest customer of Iranian export commodities over the first four months of the Iranian calendar year with $4.644 billion worth of purchases, followed by Iraq at $2.927 billion and Turkey at some $2 billion, the customs data showed.
IRICA said imports into Iran had risen by 6.18% in volume terms and by 10.82% in value terms year on year in March–July to reach 11.842 million tons worth $19.539 billion.
Main commodities imported into Iran over the four months to late July included animal feed corn with $1.29 billion worth of shipments, followed by mobile phones at $0.7 billion and soybeans at $0.647 billion, it said.
The customs figures showed that the United Arab Emirates, the largest re-exporting center in the Persian Gulf, had been the largest supplier of goods to Iran over the four months to late July with $5.818 billion worth of exports, followed by China at $5.558 billion and Turkey at $2.09 billion.

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