Gov’t to pay more subsidy to 29m Iranians: Deputy minister

A sum of 29 million Iranians to receive more subsidy under the new plan of Iran’s Ministry of Cooperation, Labor, and Social Welfare.
Speaking in a press conference in Tehran on Sunday, Alireza Asgarian, the deputy labor minister for welfare and economic affairs, also said that his ministry is cooperating with 90,000 markets across the country to implement the new subsidy plan.
“Eight large chain stores across the country cooperate with the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor, and Social Welfare in the implementation of the economic project,” the official noted.
Asgarian added that the main goal of implementing the subsidy plan is to ensure people’s needs.
The more purchase Iranians make, the possibility of identifying and solving the problems of the plan increases, he said, noting that in the future, there is a possibility to add other groups as beneficiaries of the plan.
The official concluded that 11 main products of milk, cheese, eggs, chicken meat, edible oil, rice, dairy products, beans, pasta, sugar, and frozen beef have been included in the subsidy coverage of the ministry.

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