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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Two - 31 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Two - 31 July 2023 - Page 7

Drowning in Iran up by 10% last spring

There has been a 10 percent increase in drowning cases in the spring of 2023 compared to the previous year, according to official statistics announced by Iranian Legal Medicine Organization.
A total of 280 people died due to drowning in the past spring, ISNA reported.
Iranian Legal Medicine Organization released the official statistics of drowning cases this spring, revealing a 9.8 percent increase in drowning compared to the same period last year. This increase is concerning, especially as the country’s Emergency Medical Services had previously warned about the issue of drowning and called for people’s caution.
Out of the total number of drowning deaths recorded this spring, 224 were men and 56 were women. The highest number of drownings, 126 cases, occurred in May-June, which saw a 16.7 percent increase compared to the same period last year when there were 255 casualties.
The provinces with the highest number of drowning deaths this spring were Khuzestan with 41 deaths, Fars with 27 deaths, and Isfahan with 23 deaths. Surprisingly, most drowning instances did not occur on beaches but in areas where drowning is less expected. This challenges the popular belief that most drowning cases happen at the beach. Efforts to improve coastal safety have been somewhat effective in reducing drownings, especially on the northern coasts of the country.
While rivers traditionally have the highest number of drowning deaths in the first quarter of the year, agricultural ponds ranked second during this period. In the spring season, when there are more agricultural activities and fewer trips to coastal provinces compared to the summer season, there are more drowning deaths in agricultural pools than in the sea.
The sea ranks third in terms of drowning deaths, with 37 deaths, 29 of which occurred in unauthorized areas. Swimming pools accounted for 28 cases, water canals for 21 cases, artificial lakes and dams for 12 cases, wells for eight cases, and ponds and natural lakes for four and two cases, respectively. Additionally, 24 people lost their lives in other water bodies during this period.
Every year, as the hot season begins, the number of drowning deaths increases in Iran. Many of these deaths are a result of carelessness or lack of swimming skills. It is crucial for people, especially children and teenagers, to pay attention to safety tips and warnings when swimming, particularly on hot days. By following these precautions, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable summer season with a decrease in the number of drowning cases and the lowest possible number of deaths.
The Legal Medicine Organization of the country has emphasized the importance of taking these safety measures seriously, as there are still more than 50 days left in the summer season and people’s desire to travel to places with bodies of water and coastal provinces continues.


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