Ample opportunities in Africa for Iran: businessman

The head of the Iran-Africa Chamber of Commerce on Saturday urged the government to facilitate the private sector's involvement in projects in Africa.
Massoud Brahman said leading Iranian companies have already established a strong presence in Africa, showcasing excellent technical performance and even competing with American and European counterparts.
“As a result, there is a growing demand for Iran’s investment to expand its presence in the region,” the businessman added, according to ISNA.
He said Iranian businesspeople abroad are ready to undertake projects in Africa immediately and capitalize on opportunities for the country's benefit if the government helps them.
Brahman highlighted that the Iranian Chamber of Commerce receives numerous requests from African countries, seeking Iran's participation in their economic landscape, especially in the mining sector.  
Elaborating on the historical context, he mentioned that Iranians have a 900-year history of trade in Africa and have not only engaged in commerce but also successfully transferred technical and engineering expertise across various sectors on the continent.
Furthermore, he pointed out that Iran has significant prospects for trans-territorial farming in East Africa, with accessible resources like water, ports, and transportation offering strong economic justifications for Iranian involvement.

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