Iran exporting packaging paper to Europe, Asia

A member of the Paper, Cardboard and Cellulose Products Importers Association of Iran announced that the country produces more than 1.6 million tons of packaging paper per annum.
Talking to ISNA on Saturday, Reza Omidi put the domestic needs of packaging paper at 850,000 tons per year, as the country exports more than 65,000 tons of the product to Europe, Asia, and the Persian Gulf littoral states.
He stated that the annual consumption of paper and cardboard in Iran is about 1.9 million tons, as about 1.2 million tons are imported to the country annually.
“At present, 120 plants are operating in the field of paper production across the country, as their most important problem is the supply of raw materials,” Omidi said.
He added: “In the field of printing and writing paper, the country’s annual need is about 250,000 tons, of which about 50,000 tons are produced domestically.”
Omidi noted that 120,000 tons of sanitary paper are consumed in the country every year, but the domestic production in this field is more than 200,000 tons.
The weight of cardboard production in Iran stands at 250,000 tons, of which 110,000 tons are for domestic need and the remaining are exported, he said, noting that  the annual production of tissue in Iran hits 175,000 tons as the figure for tissue consumption of Iran is 160,000 tons.
According to statistics, per capita consumption of all types of paper in Iran is 22 kg, in Europe 55 kg and in US 160 kg.
Omidi also announced that the Sixth International Exhibition of Paper, Cardboard, Cellulose Products & Related Machinery will be held during July 23-26 in Tehran, with the participation of tens of domestic and foreign companies.

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