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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty One - 17 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty One - 17 July 2023 - Page 7

Festival records oral history of retirees for future benefits

The first-ever festival of ‘Lasting Experience’ concluded with an emphasis on using the valuable experiences of retired individuals.
Mohammad Chakkoshian, the cultural and social deputy of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, highlighted the festival’s objective of collecting and preserving the oral accounts of retirees as a guiding light for the future, Fars News Agency reported.
“The festival of ‘Lasting Experience’ is held with the aim of recording the oral history of retirees so that we can benefit from this experiential knowledge as a beacon for the future,” Chakkoshian stated.
Recognizing the vital contributions of retirees and elders in the realms of service, work, and production, the official accentuated the significance of incorporating their experiences into societal accolades.
“Using the experiences of retirees and elders is one of the components of honoring these worthy individuals,” he asserted.
The festival’s underlying philosophy rests on the conviction that understanding the past correctly is essential for progress.
“Knowledge is an accumulation of experience that is presented in a systematic way, and there are many instances showing that we don’t use the existing tacit knowledge,” Chakkoshian explained.
Moreover, he elucidated the pivotal aspects of the Second Step of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, emphasizing the importance of drawing upon the experiences of elders while nurturing the creativity and initiative of the younger generation. “The Second Step of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, by the order of the Leader, should be followed by relying on the experiences of the elders and the creativity and initiative of the youth,” Chakkoshian elaborated.
Chakkoshian further highlighted the perils of neglecting experiences and opting for a trial-and-error approach. “Ignoring experiences makes us move forward with trial and error,” he stressed.


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