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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty One - 17 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty One - 17 July 2023 - Page 7

Iran aims to bolster its health ...

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“Iran has met more than 98 percent of its pharmaceutical needs by utilizing its domestic capacity,” the minister said, adding, “This capacity can create a favorable market for Iran’s pharmaceutical industry in the countries of the region.”
Einollahi described his two-day trip to Tajikistan as a strategic move to bolster health diplomacy. The visit will focus on exporting medical and pharmaceutical equipment, which, in turn, strengthens the capacity of knowledge-based companies active in the production and development of medical equipment in Iran’s market. Doing a tour of Tajikistan’s medical and academic centers is another goal of this trip.
The health official also emphasized the potential that the shared language between Iran and Tajikistan holds for expanding health tourism. “Plans are underway to select and send Iranian health advisors to friendly countries as soon as possible,” he said.
“Tajikistan will be one of the first countries where we will establish the post of health advisor with the aim of developing the market for health-oriented products as well as health tourism.”


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