Expert recommends producing electric busses first

As the global automotive industry is increasingly transitioning to electric vehicles, an Iranian expert advised the country to prioritize the production of electric vehicles on the whole but specifically, direct investment toward electric buses rather than electric cars or motorcycles.
Amir-Hassan Kakaei, a university professor, told IRNA on Saturday that by doing so, “Iran can capitalize on new technologies and gradually gain expertise in maintaining this type of vehicle”.
The expert however warned that there must be a “well-thought-out strategy, supporting infrastructure, and economic validation” for the successful development and utilization of electric vehicles in Iran.
He expressed regret that the mass production of electric vehicles and its associated prerequisites have not received adequate attention considering the current state of the automotive industry and societal expectations.
According to statistics, there is substantial potential demand for at least 200,000 city and inter-city buses in the country, Kakaei said. However, he also warned that widespread utilization of electric buses without having the necessary infrastructure and prerequisites would only lead to dissatisfaction if issues arise.
The expert suggested that while specifically-designed engines and gearboxes may need to be imported for electric buses, their chassis and bodies can be domestically produced. He emphasized that Iran’s expertise in bus manufacturing can help address any challenges encountered in the process.
Kakaei also highlighted China as a role model, citing the country’s successful implementation of incentives to promote the production and use of electric vehicles. He noted that despite Iran’s existing capability in manufacturing “battery packs” and the collaboration between two major Iranian car companies — Iran Khodro and SAIPA — in making the first electric passenger car five years ago, tangible outcomes have yet to materialize.
“To realize the significance of this endeavor within the country, a strategic plan that aligns with overarching policies must be devised. Moreover, it requires a phased implementation approach accompanied by appropriate incentives. Furthermore, foundational infrastructure improvements such as increasing electricity production capacity and establishing multiple charging stations need to be prioritized,” the expert said.

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