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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six - 11 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six - 11 July 2023 - Page 7

Tehran Municipality launches 30 talent centers for labor children

The CEO of the Welfare, Services, and Social Partnerships Organization of Tehran Municipality articulated the organization’s stance on labor children, highlighting a focus on identifying their talents rather than merely collecting them.
In order to facilitate this approach, the establishment of 30 talent centers has been undertaken, aiming to connect these children with specialized schools focused on subjects such as mathematics, art, and sports, according to IRIB News.
Seyyed Ahmad Ahmadi Sadr further elaborated that the plan encompasses all children facing deprivation of resources, engaging in work, living without proper shelter or supervision, and unable to attend school.
Additionally, Ahmadi Sadr revealed that the presidential office has issued a directive, appointing the Mayor of Tehran as the representative of the presidency in matters concerning beggars, working children, and drug addicts. This directive has received full approval.
Expanding on the matter, Ahmadi Sadr expressed that following confirmation and communication of the details, Tehran Municipality will assume the role of a special representative of the presidency in these three sectors.
Furthermore, he emphasized that while 14 institutions were previously responsible to their respective ministries, this new ruling will enhance synergy. While the designated institutions retain their assigned responsibilities, the municipality has been granted the authority to supervise, inquire, and report to the presidency.
This move is, by all measures, a happy incidence, for very child possesses unique talents and abilities that deserve to be discovered and nurtured. Talent finding is crucial, as it enables us to identify and develop these skills, allowing children to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
Regarding labor children specifically, talent finding becomes even more critical. Labor children are often engaged in physically demanding or strenuous work at a young age, which may limit their exposure to various opportunities. By recognizing their talents, we can create pathways for these children to explore alternative avenues beyond their current labor-intensive roles.

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