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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six - 11 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Six - 11 July 2023 - Page 7

Iran’s portfolio of vaccines growing

The head of the Food and Drug Administration of Iran announced that the country is on the verge of producing and introducing pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines into the market.
The official also stated that some vaccines, including HPV and influenza, have been successfully manufactured within the country, IRNA reported.
Heydar Mohammadi disclosed during a meeting with the Iraqi Minister of Health that six vaccine production platforms have been established in Iran. Moreover, the country boasts 180 factories focused on the production of final drugs, along with 65 factories dedicated to the manufacturing of raw and effective ingredients essential for drug production. The drug distribution system seamlessly connects 14,000 pharmacies nationwide through 62 distribution companies.
Highlighting the significant value of Iran’s pharmaceutical market, which exceeded $3 billion last year, Mohammadi revealed that the pharmaceutical sector’s imports in Iran costs $2 billion. Remarkably, a staggering 99 percent of the required drugs in the country are domestically produced.
Mohammadi emphasized the feasibility of transferring technology for drug and medical equipment manufacturing from Iranian producers to Iraq. He sought the Iraqi Minister of Health’s cooperation in selling drugs registered in Iran, provided they are not domestically produced in Iraq or there is insufficient production to meet market demand. The proposal urged these drugs to be registered in Iraq accordingly.
Furthermore, Mohammadi clarified that one of the strengths of Iran’s pharmaceutical industry lies in its capacity to manufacture necessary equipment within the country. In the field of medical equipment, domestic manufacturers supply 40 percent of the market, a purposeful and strategic approach that encompasses the production, supply, and even export of essential items such as electroshock devices, ventilators, hemodialysis machines, accelerators, and more.
Drawing attention to Iran’s position as a notable producer of high-tech drugs globally, Mohammadi highlighted the scarcity of producers in this specific domain. With respect to such medicines, Iran ranks among the top 10 countries capable of manufacturing them, including biosimilars and biotech medicines.
Concluding his remarks, the head of the Food and Drug Administration unveiled plans for the launch of Iran’s second blood refinery this year. He noted the successful inauguration of the first blood factor production refinery in the previous year. Additionally, he proudly acknowledged notable achievements in cell and tissue therapy, further underscoring Iran’s progress in the field of medical advancements.

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