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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Three - 08 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Three - 08 July 2023 - Page 4

Historic house in Babol renovated

The Historic House of Aghajan Nasab in northern Iran has been renovated through the efforts of President Ebrahim Raeisi’s government.
The mansion is located in the city of Babol, in Mazandaran Province.  The late Qajar-era (1789-1925) building is among the greatest monuments of the province and was inscribed on the National Heritage List in June 2000.
The Organization of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts purchased the house in 1999.
This house has 13 rooms and four courtyards. It is now being used as a cultural and tourism center.
The renovated house displays the style of art and architecture of the Qajar era with special splendor and elegance.
The beautiful ponds in the courtyards of this historic building and its Qajar-era architecture have created a relaxing environment.
The statues of Mazandaran’s famous people in the fields of politics, culture and art have been installed in the house, which adds to its glory.
The investor of the Aghajan Nasab House is Komeil Barari, who said that nearly $700,000 have been spent on restoring the historic mansion.
Barari said he has been granted a 25-year lease in return for his investment in renovating and restoring the historic building.
He added that the renovation of the house has generated 40 direct jobs and 120 indirect jobs.
Preserving historical monuments
An author and researcher in the field of historic buildings hailed the renovation of Aghajan Nasab House as valuable.
Samad Saleh told IRNA about the private sector’s role in preserving such monuments.
“Presently, investment by the private sector is the best option for preserving historic sites,” he said.
The researcher called for encouraging and supporting investors to invest in restoring historic sites.  
Babol has more than 200 historical and cultural heritage sites in Mazandarn Province, which has the largest number of such monuments. These include historic houses, bridges, baths and burial sites.
Babol is located approximately 20 kilometers south of the Caspian Sea. It borders the cities of Babolsar and Fereydunkenar to the north, Qaemshahr and Shirgah  to the east, Savadkooh to the southeast, Firuzkooh to the South, and Amol to the west.

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