Fresh blood ...

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By facilitating economic exchanges that minimize dollar dependency, the SCO can help shield Iran from the impact of sanctions and provide a platform for diversifying its trade partnerships.
Javad Mansouri, former Iranian ambassador to China, has said that Iran has proposed the creation of a unified currency within the SCO to break the monopoly of the US dollar in global trade and counter the repercussions of banking sanctions and SWIFT measures.
Iran’s permanent membership in the SCO also carries significant political implications, particularly in relation to Western nations, notably the United States. With the SCO being dubbed the “NATO of the East,” the organization’s collaborative nature and sensitivity to regional concerns are highlighted. Iran’s inclusion further enhances the capabilities of the SCO and sends a strong political message to Western nations about the growing influence of the organization and its member states.
The affirmation of Iran’s accession to the SCO signifies a political stride, showcasing the member nations’ willingness to deepen interactions with Iran. By participating in the SCO, Iran elevates its international stature, placing itself on a global scale. Furthermore, Iran’s presence in the SCO creates an environment conducive to open dialogue and engagement, reinforcing its commitment to pursuing a multilateral approach in its foreign policy.
Iran’s SCO membership can serve as a stepping stone for its potential involvement in other regional and international institutions such as BRICS.

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