Envoy: Palestinians can only reach goals by using ‘force’

Iran’s mission to the United Nations asserted that Palestinians could achieve their goals against Israel only through the use of force, as the regime continues its unabated onslaught on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.
The mission added that Tehran is ready to help Palestinians win over the regime through the use of “force,” according to Press TV.
“Based on Iran’s assessment, Palestinians cannot regain their seized rights from the Israeli regime through negotiation, as the Israeli regime only responds to force,” the mission told Newsweek.
“Therefore, Iran supports any request for assistance from the Palestinian resistance,” it added.
The occupation forces assaulted several neighborhoods in Jenin by air and land on Monday as the Palestinian death toll from the latest wave of Israeli aggression has topped 10 since it began in the early hours of the day.
Palestine’s Shehab news agency reported that the occupation forces fired gas bombs at the hospital in Jenin, which was followed by Palestinians hurling handmade explosives at Israeli military vehicles in front of the medical facility.
In response to the Israeli aggression, the Jenin Brigade, which includes members of the Palestinian resistance groups in the occupied West Bank city, said it had ambushed the occupation forces and detonated a military vehicle with explosive devices.
A Hamas resistance fighter drove his car into a crowded bus stop in Tel Aviv on Tuesday and began stabbing people, wounding eight in an attack praised by Palestinian resistance groups.
Israel’s military assault appeared to be the largest attack in the occupied West Bank in around two decades as the regime deployed armed drones and hundreds of troops against the innocent Palestinians.
Iran on Tuesday strongly condemned the Zionist regime’s brutal raids on the Jenin camp in the West Bank, voicing concern about the humanitarian consequences of the military assaults and the butchering of tens of innocent Palestinians, Tasnim news agency reported.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani called for immediate action by the United Nations, the UN Security Council, and the international community and organizations to stop the Zionists’ lunatic
He stressed that the Palestinian nation and resistance groups have the legitimate right to self-defense against the aggressive Zionist regime.


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