Brasilia hosting Iran’s Film Week and photo exhibition

In commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Iran and Brazil’s establishment of diplomatic relations, an ongoing cultural extravaganza in Brasilia is captivating audiences with a photo exhibition featuring select cultural and artistic masterpieces.
Additionally, three remarkable Iranian films, complete with Portuguese subtitles, are being showcased at a prominent cultural center, Tasnim news agency reported.
During the grand opening ceremony of this cultural affair, Iranian Ambassador to Brazil Hossein Qaribi emphasized the illustrious 120-year history of harmonious and amiable ties between the two nations.
He further emphasized, “Today, we have convened to present the influential prowess of arts and culture as a means to unite our nations.”
The envoy went on to highlight the longstanding and robust partnership between Iran and Brazil in the realms of commerce, economics, arts, and culture, spanning several decades.
An official representative from Brazil also addressed the gathering, acknowledging the significant collaboration that exists between the two countries in cultural, political, and economic arenas. The photo exhibition stands as a cultural treasure bestowed upon the capital of Brazil.
This remarkable exhibition will enchant visitors for a span of three weeks.

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