Leader: Palestinian youths’ battle holds promise for bright future

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the involvement of Palestinian youths in the struggle against the Israeli regime is of great importance.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the comments in a meeting with the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement, Ismail Hanieh, in Tehran on Wednesday.
He referred to recent developments in the West Bank city of Jenin as a clear example of the youths’ involvement in the Palestinians’ battle against the Israeli regime, which hold promise for a bright future, with complete victory.
On Monday, the Israeli regime was forced to scramble helicopters to rescue its troops trapped in the firefight with Palestinian fighters during its deadly raid on the Jenin refugee camp.
Pointing to the importance of the unity among the Palestinian resistance groups, the Leader said that the Israeli regime tried to create division among the resistance groups during the recent Gaza war, but it failed to do so.

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