Envoy urges Spanish Iranologists to convey positive image of Iran

Iranian Ambassador to Madrid Reza Zabib on Wednesday called upon Spanish Iranologists to present a good image of Iran to their nation and Spanish-speaking peoples.
“I call upon you to help create an Iranian-Spanish narrative based on facts that serve mutual interests,” Zabib told a group of Spanish Iranologists, as well as cultural and scientific elites in Madrid, according to IRNA.
At the meeting which took place at Iran’s diplomatic mission, Zabib said that the image currently depicted of Iran is based on a distorted “American perspective”.
“This narrative is heavily influenced by politics and lacks depth, making it incapable of serving the best interests of either Iran or Spain,” the envoy added.
He pointed out that intellectuals play a key role in altering the perception that the United States has created of Iran by painting a dark picture of it.
“Iran, as a nation, possesses inherent cultural values and traditions. It is striving to chart its path of progress in alignment with these values.”
Zabib hailed the 400-year relationship between Iran and Spain, which is founded on “lofty principles”.
“Stable international relations are nurtured through the embrace of lofty ideals and principles such as peace, justice, friendship, and mutual respect.
The enduring bond of over 400 years of amicable ties between Spain and Iran serves as a prime illustration of this approach,” he concluded.


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