Iranian traditional oral storytelling nationally registered

Iranian storytelling was nationally registered during a Tuesday ceremony attended by cultural officials.
Officials from Iran’s Cultural Heritage Organization as well as the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults attended the ceremony with Farhad Fallah, the deputy director of cultural affairs of the institute announcing, “Iranian storytelling was nationally registered on the eve of the 25th edition of the International Storytelling Festival”.
Fallah added that the cultural body is reviewing the global registration of storytelling as well, IRNA reported.
Naqqali (Iranian Dramatic Storytelling) and narrating the ‘Shahnameh’ is one of the intangible cultural heritages of Iranians registered in UNESCO.
Referring to the actions of the 25th international event, Fallah said the festival aims to popularize storytelling as a deep culture among families.
During the 24th edition of the international event, ten storytellers from across the world attended the festival to share tales from their folk cultures.
Addressing the registration ceremony, Deputy Adviser of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Alireza Tabesh said that the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, in cooperation with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, added storytelling to the national register.
“The important element of literature and storytelling is part of Iran’s national identity and cultural attraction; we must transfer literature with its capacities to future generations,” Tabesh concluded.


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