News in Brief


Astana talks on Syrian crisis to be held next week

REUTERS – Deputy foreign ministers from Iran, Russia, Syria, and Turkey will meet in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, on June 21.
The four countries have been discussing Syria’s future after 12 years of war, during which Russia and Iran supported President Bashar al-Assad while NATO member Turkey backed political and armed opposition to him.
Foreign ministers from the four countries met in Moscow on May 10, and Russia said at the time that deputy ministers would be tasked with preparing a roadmap to advance Syria-Turkey ties.

FM: Defying unilateralism common policy of Iran, Nicaragua

IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said that defying unilateralism is the common policy of Iran and Nicaragua.
In a tweet hours after President Ebrahim Raeisi arrived in the Nicaraguan capital Managua on Wednesday, Amir-Abdollahian wrote that capitalizing on the potential that exists in Latin America is part of the Raeisi administration’s balanced foreign policy.

Sanctions undermine efforts to combat climate change: Envoy

IFP – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani said unilateral sanctions act as barriers to the targeted countries’ contributions to global efforts aimed at combating climate change problems. He also demanded an immediate end to the coercive measures.
“Iran, like other nations, confronts environmental challenges and climate change impacts such as pollution, water scarcity, sand and dust storms, desertification, and biodiversity degradation,” he stated in an address to the UN Security Council session on Tuesday.




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