IRGC smashes anti-revolution groups in West, terrorists in SE

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force smashed anti-revolution hostile groups in Iran’s western province of Kurdestan, as well as a team of terrorists in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan.
Therefore, it has been revealed that the purpose of a recent military exercise in Iran’s Kurdestan Province was to cleanse the mountainous areas in Sarvabad city of the forces affiliated with anti-revolution groups, according to Tasnim news agency.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the war game on Wednesday, the commander of one of the nearby bases of the IRGC said the remaining hostile elements hiding in the zone are being removed.
Denouncing the anti-revolution forces for upsetting security in the region, General Mohammad Taqi Osanlu noted that the anti-revolution elements had been harassing local residents.
The IRGC Ground Force’s Quds Base said in a separate statement that a team of terrorists has also been smashed before it could carry out its plans in southeastern parts of the country.
The anti-terrorism operation was held in cooperation with the Intelligence Ministry forces, the statement added.
Two terrorists were killed and a third has been arrested in the attack. The operation also resulted in the confiscation of ammunition, weapons, and explosives.


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