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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirteen - 13 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirteen - 13 June 2023 - Page 2

News in Brief

President voices support for nuclear industry

PRESS TV – Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says his administration will continue supporting the nuclear industry within the framework of Iran’s national interests, echoing earlier statements by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
Addressing a cabinet session on Sunday, Raeisi said the nuclear industry is among driving industries in the country. He hailed grand achievements made by young Iranian scientists in this sector.

Talks with U.S. only held indirectly: Adviser to Iranian team

IFP – An adviser to Iran’s nuclear negotiating team has rejected reports on secret direct talks with the U.S.
Mohammad Marandi told Al-Araby that all talks between Iran and the U.S. are indirect, held through such intermediaries as Oman or the United Nations, adding that the Iranian and American officials do not even sit in the same room during negotiations.
Earlier, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told French newspaper Le Figaro that the diplomatic process and discussions with the European Union on the nuclear issue continue.

Assad stresses coordination on Syria peace talks

MEHR – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed the need for maintaining coordination with Iran regarding talks on establishing peace in Syria.
Assad made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister’s Senior Adviser for Special Political Affairs Ali Asghar Khaji in Damascus on Monday.
Assad also called for defining a joint strategy, with the help of Iran and Russia, to explain the goals of future negotiations, whether it is about Turkey’s withdrawal from Syria, the fight against terrorism, or other issues.



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