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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirteen - 13 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirteen - 13 June 2023 - Page 2

Messages of Iran’s presence ...

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Iran’s diplomatic reach extends beyond its neighbors and the West Asian region, encompassing East Asia all the way to South America. The Iranian president’s visit to in the “backyard” of the United States, namely South America, holds a symbolic significance that underscores the futility of America’s attempts to isolate Tehran. Iran’s diplomatic endeavors have now reached the doorstep of the United States.
Raeisi’s trip holds economic significance for Iran as well. Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua possess ample economic opportunities that can partially fulfill Iran’s needs. Naturally, these countries can serve as promising markets for Iranian goods. It is evident that these nations are inclined to cultivate relations with Tehran based on their national interests. This implies that Tehran also holds advantages for these three countries. Iran can extend assistance to South American nations in areas such as energy, technology exports, industries, and services. In essence, both Iran and the South American countries stand to benefit from the growth of their political and economic ties.
While President Raeisi’s government has prioritized its foreign policy toward neighboring and Eastern countries, this does not indicate indifference toward opportunities and the potential for establishing better relations with other regions across the globe. Whenever the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran demand it, the government readily seizes these opportunities to help overcome economic challenges. South America is one such opportunity that can serve as a gateway to Iran’s economy, and the government has demonstrated its attentiveness to this prospect.

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